Condolences on the Passing of the Former Moderator of
the World Council of Churches Central Committee,
The National Council of Churches in Korea (NCCK) expresses its deepest condolences to Dr. Agnes Abuom, the former moderator of the World Council of Churches (WCC) central committee, and shares its consolation with the world's ecumenical community, who are all saddened by her sudden death.
The NCCK will long remember Dr. Agnes Abuom's dedication and passion for the church unity movement, which she personally lived out in her life. In particular, as the first woman and the first African to serve as moderator of the WCC central committee, she led the international ecumenical community on the Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace and demonstrated deep spiritual leadership amid the crises of COVID-19 and church division. This greatly contributed to the fulfillment of Christ's prophetic mission and accompaniment of the church community in each region with a relationship of heartfelt cooperation, and will be recorded as a great achievement and legacy of the ecumenical movement.
Furthermore, the constant spirit of sharing and solidarity with the many practical legacies of the church unity movement, the poor and marginalized neighbors, migrant workers, refugees, and women who cried out against injustice and gender-based violence, has become a deep echo and model for all friends of faith around the world. On this pilgrimage path of justice and peace that we must take, we will forever remember her as a respected female leader who has led the church from structured ideas to new alternatives and actions toward hope, whose life and theology were formed in unity with the location of those suffering and marginalized, and whose beautiful and rich heart of life has practiced Christ's true love and fellowship.
Once again, we deeply mourn the passing of Dr. Agnes Abuom with all our friends of faith who walk the pilgrimage path together in the Korean Church's ecumenical heritage and history, and pray that she enjoys a peaceful rest forever in God's arms.