EnglishCondolences on the Passing of the Former Moderator of the World Council of Churches Central Committee, Dr. Agnes Abuom.
Condolences on the Passing of the Former Moderator of the World Council of Churches Central Committee, Dr. Agnes Abuom.
Condolences on the Passing of the Former Moderator ofthe World Council of Churches Central Committee, Dr. Agnes Abuom. The National Council of Churches in Korea (NCCK) expresses its deepest condolences to Dr. Agnes Abuom, the former moderator of the World Council of Churches (WCC) central committee, and shares its consolation with the world's ecumenical community, who are all saddened by her sudden death. The NCCK will long remember Dr. Agnes Abuom's dedication and passion for the church unity movement, which she personally lived out in her life. In particular, as the first woman and the first African to serve as moderator of the WCC central committee, she led the international ecumenical community on the Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace and demonstrated deep spiritual leadership amid the crises of COVID-19 and church division. This greatly contributed to the fulfillment of Christ's prophetic mission and accompaniment of the church community in each region with a relationship of heartfelt cooperation, and will be recorded as a great achievement and legacy of the ecumenical movement. Furthermore, the constant spirit of sharing and solidarity with the many practical legacies of the church unity movement, the poor and marginalized neighbors, migrant workers, refugees, and women who cried out against injustice and gender-based violence, has become a deep echo and model for all friends of faith around the world. On this pilgrimage path of justice and peace that we must take, we will forever remember her as a respected female leader who has led the church from structured ideas to new alternatives and actions toward hope, whose life and theology were formed in unity with the location of those suffering and marginalized, and whose beautiful and rich heart of life has practiced Christ's true love and fellowship. Once again, we deeply mourn the passing of Dr. Agnes Abuom with all our friends of faith who walk the pilgrimage path together in the Korean Church's ecumenical heritage and history, and pray that she enjoys a peaceful rest forever in God's arms. “But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.” Amos 5:24 (NRSV) June 2nd, 2023 National Council of Churches in Korea
2023-06-07 11:02:16
커뮤니티세계교회협의회(WCC) 전 의장 아그네스 아붐 박사 소천’ 애도 서신
세계교회협의회(WCC) 전 의장 아그네스 아붐 박사 소천’ 애도 서신
한국기독교교회협의회(NCCK, 태동화 총무 직무대행, 이하 교회협) 국제위원회(박원빈 위원장)는 세계교회협의회(WCC) 전 의장 아그네스 아붐 박사의 급작스런 소천 소식에 깊은 애도를 표하며 아래와 같이 서신을 발표하였습니다.아그네스 아붐 박사는 1998년-2006년 WCC 의장, 2006년-2013년 WCC 정책/기획 위원회 의장, 2013년-2022년 WCC 중앙위원회 의장을 역임하였으며, 외에도 1975년 WCC 나이로비 총회를 시작으로 케냐 성공회 대표단으로서 1998년 WCC 하라레 총회, 2006년 포르토 알레그레 총회, 2013년 부산총회, 2022년 칼스루에 총회까지 아붐 박사는 아프리카 여성 비목회자 출신으로 일생을 에큐메니칼 운동에 헌신하며 고통 당하는 민중들을 위해 삶으로 에큐메니칼 운동에 실천해 온 존경받는 여성 에큐메니칼 운동가입니다.우리는 아붐 박사의 급작스런 소천 소식에 다시 한 번 깊은 애도를 표하며 그의 낮은 자리를 향한 끊임없는 열정과 헌신, 코로나19로 인한 위기와 세계교회 간 갈등과 분열의 양상에서도 마음을 담은 협의의 과정을 지혜롭게 이끌어 낸 그의 지도력에 찬사를 보냅니다. 아붐 박사가 이뤄온 수많은 교회일치운동의 실천적 유산들이 계속해서 확장되어 나아갈 수 있기를 바랍니다. [애도서신] 세계교회협의회(WCC) 전 의장 아그네스 아붐 박사를 애도합니다. 한국기독교교회협의회는 세계교회협의회(WCC) 전 의장 아그네스 아붐 박사의 소천에 깊은 애도를 표하며 그의 급작스런 죽음 앞에 슬픔에 잠겨 있을 세계 에큐메니칼 공동체와 함께 위로를 나눕니다. 본 회는 아그네스 아붐 박사께서 삶의 실천으로 몸소 보여주신 교회일치 운동을 향한 헌신과 열정을 오래도록 기억할 것입니다. 특별히 박사께서는 세계교회협의회의 첫 번째 아프리카 여성 의장으로서 국제 에큐메니칼 공동체를 ‘정의와 평화를 향한 순례(Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace)’의 여정으로 이끌며, 코로나19의 위기와 교회 분열의 위기 속에서 깊은 영적 지도력을 발휘해주셨습니다. 이는 각 지역의 교회공동체가 그리스도의 예언자적 사명을 수행하고 마음을 담은 협력의 관계로 동행하는 데에 크게 기여하였으며 에큐메니칼 운동의 큰 업적과 유산으로 기록될 것입니다. 뿐만 아니라 박사께서 남기신 교회일치 운동의 수많은 실천적 유산들, 가난하고 소외된 이웃들, 이주노동자, 난민, 성폭력 피해여성과 같은 불의와 폭력에 울부짖는 이들을 향한 끊임없는 나눔과 연대의 정신은 세계 도처에서 활동하는 모든 신앙의 벗들에게 깊은 울림과 귀감이 되었습니다. 구조화된 관념에서 새로운 대안과 희망으로의 행동으로 교회를 이끌어 온 존경받는 여성 에큐메니칼 운동가, 그의 삶과 신학이 고통당하는 민중현장에서 일치를 이루며 그리스도의 참된 사랑과 우정을 실천해온 아름답고 풍성한 생명의 마음은 우리가 나아가야 할 정의와 평화의 순례의 길에서 영원히 기억될 것입니다. 본 회는 한국교회 에큐메니칼 전통과 역사 속에서 함께 순례의 길을 걷는 모든 신앙의 벗들과 다시 한 번 아그네스 아붐 박사님의 소천을 깊이 애도하며 하나님의 품안에서 영원히 평안한 쉼을 누리시기를 간절히 기도합니다. “다만 정의를 강물처럼 흐르게 하여라. 서로 위하는 마음 개울같이 넘쳐 흐르게 하여라.” 아모스 5장 24절 (공동번역) 2023년 6월 2일 한국기독교교회협의회 [영문] Condolences on the Passing of the Former Moderator of the World Council of Churches Central Committee, Dr. Agnes Abuom. The National Council of Churches in Korea (NCCK) expresses its deepest condolences to Dr. Agnes Abuom, the former moderator of the World Council of Churches (WCC) central committee, and shares its consolation with the world's ecumenical community, who are all saddened by her sudden death. The NCCK will long remember Dr. Agnes Abuom's dedication and passion for the church unity movement, which she personally lived out in her life. In particular, as the first woman and the first African to serve as moderator of the WCC central committee, she led the international ecumenical community on the Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace and demonstrated deep spiritual leadership amid the crises of COVID-19 and church division. This greatly contributed to the fulfillment of Christ's prophetic mission and accompaniment of the church community in each region with a relationship of heartfelt cooperation, and will be recorded as a great achievement and legacy of the ecumenical movement. Furthermore, the constant spirit of sharing and solidarity with the many practical legacies of the church unity movement, the poor and marginalized neighbors, migrant workers, refugees, and women who cried out against injustice and gender-based violence, has become a deep echo and model for all friends of faith around the world. On this pilgrimage path of justice and peace that we must take, we will forever remember her as a respected female leader who has led the church from structured ideas to new alternatives and actions toward hope, whose life and theology were formed in unity with the location of those suffering and marginalized, and whose beautiful and rich heart of life has practiced Christ's true love and fellowship. Once again, we deeply mourn the passing of Dr. Agnes Abuom with all our friends of faith who walk the pilgrimage path together in the Korean Church's ecumenical heritage and history, and pray that she enjoys a peaceful rest forever in God's arms. “But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.” Amos 5:24 (NRSV) June 2nd, 2023 National Council of Churches in Korea
2023-06-02 14:01:26
EnglishJoint Statement of the 10th EKD-NCCK Ecumenical Consultation
Joint Statement of the 10th EKD-NCCK Ecumenical Consultation
Joint Statement of the 10th EKD-NCCK Ecumenical Consultation, 16th-20th February 2023 Transforming Division and Making Peace For a joint pilgrimage of German and Korean Churches towards Justice, Reconciliation and Unity “Christ's Love Moves the World to Reconciliation and Unity" History and context In the midst of a profound life-security crisis caused by the effects of climate crisis, the COVID-19 outbreak and its continuous mutations, the Russian war on Ukraine, and the hegemonic struggle between USA and China in the context of the newly developing Neo-Cold War Order, in a critical time we have held the 10th Ecumenical Consultation between the EKD (Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland) and the NCCK (National Council of Churches in Korea) in Seoul on February 16, 2023 for five days. We rejoice whilst looking back at the faithful ecumenical engagement and their efforts to both deepen their mutual commitment and enhance the people’s security for life in the service of our common Lord Jesus Christ during the last half century. In 1974, the first EKD-NCCK Joint Consultation was held in Düsseldorf, Germany, under the theme of "Social and Pastoral Needs of Korean Life and the Tasks of West Germany." Since then, the two church communions EKD and NCCK have held eight more ecumenical consultations with a common vision of which one included church representatives from North Korea. The 9th consultation was held in Wittenberg in March 2011 under the theme of "The Role of Reconciliation and the Church." The church's commitment for reconciliation and peace, the unification issue, the 500th anniversary of the Protestant reformation, and the 10th General Assembly of the WCC in Busan were discussed. The 10th consultation was planned to be held in South-Korea in 2021, celebrating the 30th anniversary of German unification and commemorating the 70th anniversary of the outbreak of the Korean War, but due to COVID-19, it was agreed to gather in Seoul in February 2023. This consultation reaffirmed its mutual partnership solidarity through a meeting between the churches of the two countries for the first time in nearly twelve years, shared the tasks of cooperation granted through the 11th WCC Karlsruhe General Assembly in 2022, and considered the church's role as an agent for justice, reconciliation, peace and unity. Issues, reflections and focal discussion points In Europe, the Russian attack on Ukraine in violation of international law in 2022 has brought about a fundamental threat not only to the European peace order agreed on after World War II, but to world peace because of Russia's possession of and threat to use nuclear weapons and all that this entails. Also, consequences of this war affect many countries, also in the global South, for example with food crises, higher energy costs, and inflation. Whilst sharing our views and concerns about the question of peace and war in our respective contexts, we asked for the role of our churches and church communions in these profound and interconnected conflicts both in East Asia and Europe, and the role which concepts of people's security for life, the central role of the nation state and its institutions play here. Today, in the midst of the multifaceted crises, the global superpowers are continuously designing and redesigning a neo-cold war order by separating the world according to alliances and partner-ships based on their own interests and values, further escalating a hostile symbiotic tension and brinkmanship on the Korean Peninsula and threatening people’s life-security. In this geopolitical situation, the Korea-US and Japan-US alliances, which represent structural root causes of en-trenching the division of the Korean Peninsula and of an emerging neo-cold war order in North-east Asia, are playing as "double-edged swords," this time, based on the Indo-Pacific Strategy, clearly demonstrating that the geopolitical fate of the Korean Peninsula has been held hostage in an ‘alliance trap’ both in South and North. In particular, South-Korean society has changed a lot since the candlelight uprising led by people power in 2017. Through the Moon Jae-inn government, South-Korean society showed the diversity of civil society, the candlelight movement showed that South-Korean civil society guaranteed fairness, and the Moon Jae Inn government opened a dialogue phase between the two Koreas and led to the U.S.-North Korea summit. However, the situation surrounding the Korean Peninsula is unclear as the South-Korean regime has been replaced by the Yoon Suk Yeol government, and the peace process on the Korean Peninsula has been stalled. Furthermore, discrimination and exclusion of the poor, marginalized, migrants, refugees, irregular workers increase, minorities in Korean society are becoming more and more impoverished, and evil laws such as the National Security Law trampled on democracy and freedom of democratic citizens in the past dictatorship. Now, the South Korean church and society are facing many challenges, questions, and tasks regarding what the role of the ecumenical community should be in the face of a pile of tasks. During our consultation, we agreed that people should no longer be seen as passive victims of those conflicts, but must play inter-subjectively a crucial role in stabilizing inflammatory situations created by the power- and division-oriented regimes and in preserving and fostering justice and peace, healing and reconciliation. For the ecumenical pilgrimage of justice, reconciliation and unity both in Korea and Germany, our intercontinental ecumenical movement must advocate for constructive steps forward and engage in carefully developed joint initiatives for peace and reconciliation. In searching for specific topics and concrete commitment, our consultation identified several areas of common concern in different contexts and perspectives which may mutually enrich, question and encourage us: We critically reflected on persisting challenges of both the 33-year unified Germany and the peace movement in Korea since the NCCK's 88 Declaration on Peace and Reunification of the Korean Peninsula. In this context, we also shared the experiences of both churches in increasingly secularised societies and facing declining membership. Having been the starting point for the ecumenical consultations in 1974 when our church communions advocated for better working and living conditions of Korean workers in Germany, migration and the question of the church's task towards refugees, migrants and other marginalized groups is a burning issue now for our churches both in Germany and Korea. Likewise, in both societies fighting Racism whether based on ethnicity or religion is needed. Closely connected with, but not limited to that question, we reflected on the vision of a multi-dimensional diaconal church. In times when societies are drifting apart and Christian values are often no longer clearly visible or compromised due to striving for profit, high expectations, a clearer diaconical approach and impact of the churches’ visible diaconical work could set an agenda for a just, inclusive, intergenerational future orientated societies, where Christian values are visible. In both societies with tendencies to a more secular understanding, the diaconical role could set a counterpoint – concepts and ideas here could be shared in the future including also the risk like the question how far it can consist of cooperation, and it should work in line with market conditions. In our conciliar ecumenical solidarity, we, the EKD and the NCCK, should never let the logic of "the economics of war" and “the politics of war” control our understanding of the Korean and European peace processes. The ecumenical solidarity of the EKD and the NCCK should strengthen civilian peace diplomacy involving Christians from the relevant countries. By enhancing people’s peace-capital in a realistic international political environment we can help changing the direction and quality of the current international diplomacy that lays buried in national interests. As a common task of cooperation between the churches of the two countries, we should open a safe and sustainable dialogue to build peaceful relations between the two Koreas so that various generations can form peace talks and reopen civilian exchanges between citizens of the two states. In addition, we will continue to work together as an ecumenical community to understand the situation in neighboring countries such as Myanmar, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan and the Philippines amid long colonial and historical trauma, national-security autocratic ideology, poverty, grievances, and the climate crisis. For this, cooperation also with the Christian Council of Asia (CCA) is needed and welcome. The faith based community of EKD and the NCCK as a community of healing and reconciliation will strengthen our role and capabilities as peacemakers and promote a Eucharistic solidarity based on mutual confidence, while establishing the will to trust and take risks following our beliefs. As seen in the theme of the WCC 10th Busan Assembly, “God of life, lead us to justice and peace,” and that of the WCC 11th Karlsruhe Assembly, “Christ’s love moves the world to reconciliation and unity,” justice and peace are the two inseparably interdependent axes that sustain the whole web of life, and the love of Christ is the moving force to recreate the wounded and broken world into a healed and reconciled one world. Justice and peace are the core of people’s security for life, and it essentially requires an embracing and integrating process of justice and peace, that is, a spiritual and strategic process of healing and reconciliation. Without an ongoing process of healing and reconciliation, there will be no integration between justice and peace, no giving of life and no life abundant, and therefore no people’s security for life. In the process of healing and reconciliation, the Truth in Christ’s Love leads the way to justice and peace, and all healing, reconciliation and unity are therefore ultimately rooted in God. The meetings and conversations of the consultation have clearly indicated that both Korean and German Churches were bound by friendship and solidarity with each other as we have been for the last 50 years journey together. In order to broaden our theological understanding of God's mission in which we are participating and in order to strengthen mission cooperation and kindred friendship, our churches are to share the experience of just reconciliation and unity to give evidence of Christ's love for our neighbor and for the stranger and the peace of the gospel. For understanding more deeply the differences between tradition and politics and culture, joint research and efforts must be made together to achieve human rights, social justice, overcoming division and world peace, and for this purpose, mutual ties and cooperation of our churches in different continents must be strengthened through real and deepening encounter. Therefore, the Korean and German Churches should continue mutual visiting exchanges between various leaderships and church groups in each regional body, working-level, and all generations, not least to share their experiences and learn from and with each other. For throughout our consultation various testimonies have indicated that the experience of such intercultural exchange at a young adult age is life-forming. Ecumenical formations such as volunteer programs and EFK (Ecumenical Forum for Peace, Reunification & Cooperation on the Korean Peninsula) young adult peace seminars are essential for sustainable and long lasting development, and they pave the way to future ecumenical understanding and solidarity. Furthermore, partnership work, for example on the church district level, should be strengthened. For this, the important role of Korean congregations in Germany, represented in the convention of the Korean congregations in Germany, and the German speaking congregation in Korea should be valued as "Bridge builders". We, the NCCK and EKD, invite our member churches and ecumenical partners and people of good will everywhere to join the journey towards reconciliation and peace in the world and within our societies with renewed energy, in close partnership and transparent relationships to each other and with the churches and Christians in both our church bodies. We agree that the diverse societal consequences of the socio-ecological transformation in our societies, such as the increasing differences between rich and poor, the consequences of labour migration and flight, growing racism and the demographic change in our communities and societies, mean that we share responsibility and help shape those challenges. Together we want to discuss and develop sustainable models of inviting communities with spiritual charisma and a diaconial profile in the spirit of a 'church with others'. Action plan and suggestions 1. On this common, mutual, prayerful journey together we commit ourselves to: a) Embody the spirit of courage, caring, communication, confession, conciliation and commitment. b) Pray with people and churches of Korea by designating the Sunday before 15 August as the "Sunday of Prayer for the Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula". c) Organize solidarity visits to churches in Korea and Germany that can serve as peacemakers and bridge builders. A first encounter should be the young adult peace seminar hosted by EFK in Seoul at the end of July 2023. Participation of youth from both countries should be ensured. d) Continue accompanying the churches of NCCK and EKD by providing a common platform for member churches and ecumenical partners from both Korea and Germany to come together in order to advance towards reconciliation and peace. Online seminars and personal exchanges, for example from churches, Universities, diaconial institutions, and during pastoral education should be fostered and initiated, as well as volunteers' programs. The exchange of youth, students, theological lecturers, pastors, diacons, and other volunteers and ecumenical encounters in Germany and Korea should be encouraged and supported in order to provide opportunities for understanding better the other context and for learning from each other, and to envision a desirable common future for the two church communions and countries. We recognize that a historically symbolic moment for such initiatives could be found in 2024, the centennial year of NCCK. e) In a changing world new topics and issues should be tackled such as intergenerational justice, climate change, sexual violence, gender and diversity, or work-life balance. Ways and means of interaction should be sought for taking up these and other issues. 2. Furthermore, we commit ourselves to take actions to: a) Participate in the Korean Peace Appeal (KPA) Campaign for ending the Korean War and transforming the Armistice Agreement into a Peace Treaty. For this, we the NCCK and the EKD may actively participate in the KPA Campaign. b) Join the WCC’s ecumenical advocacy project “Light of Peace” this year. To join the KPA Campaign process we may invite our partner churches, particularly those whose countries were involved in the Korean War as combatant states in various forms – 16 states for direct combat, 6 states for medical support, 40 states for material support, and 6 states for post-war rehabilitation support. c) Call upon all foreign powers in the region to participate in a creative process for building peace on the Korean Peninsula by halting all military exercises on the Korean peninsula, by ceasing their interventions and reducing military expenditures. d) Enhance peoples’ peace capital through a praxis-oriented “positive” peace education and develop a civilian alliance of peace diplomacy. In this course, we may provide various peace platforms for young generations both in North and South Korea to meet together in order to envision a common future for the Korean Peninsula. e) Being in solidarity with those who are suffering in the context of Asia (after COVID 19) from Militarism and authoritarianism, poverty and inequality, from climate crisis, Gender and Sexuality discrimination, and where despite the bloody grassroots struggles in Asia, military rule and authoritarianism still survive. The liberated Asian countries were taken into the cold war framework without a chance to clean up the waste of colonialism. Liquidation of colonial vestiges, rooting-out of militarism, and establishment of economic justice are the ways toward a just and peaceful society. As the upholding of universal values along with the global network led by the ecumenical movement has supported Korea's democratic movements during military dictatorship, churches and the ecumenical community have to act for supporting peace in Asia. f) Regularly conduct various forms of the global ecumenical prayer movement for healing and reconciliation of the Korean Peninsula. For this, the EKD in cooperation with the NCCK and the KCF (Korean Christian Federation) may organize the “Sunday of Prayer” along with their member churches. For making peace, we Christians do not have weapons of war, but we do have prayer. g) Work with the EFK and the governments of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in providing international cooperation to maintain a truly Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) and transform it into a zone of peace. We, the NCCK and EKD churches together and with our ecumenical partners, both in our own context and cooperating internationally, will be the main actors of this journey. We, too, consider our reflections and plans to be an invitation and suggestion for individuals, parishes, and communities to participate in the movement of justice and peace for the Korean Peninsula, Germany and beyond. The main subjects of peace-building are us, “we the people,” who live on the democratic values of sovereignty resting on every human being. The crucial key points are the people’s consciousness of peace-sovereignty, and our will for building a peace-alliance in solidarity with love and justice. For a continuing Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace, let us deepen our spirituality of reconciliation and unity and develop our strategy and expertise for enhancing social reconciliation and visible unity for the suffering, marginalized and the weak. Let us develop the EKD-NCCK’s ecumenical capacity in faith-based civil peace diplomacy by mobilizing all the relevant personnel resources of our member churches and partners. Conclusion We are a fellowship on the move, a community of pilgrims. We journey together towards life in all its fullness. We pray for God’s guidance and inspiration, so that our journey of love and solidarity will open us to one another through dynamic and creative interaction for justice. May the triune God of life lead us to be living instruments of justice and peace. We sincerely hope that the Holy Spirit will be the driving force of the EKD-NCCK Peace Solidarity as an indispensable people’s peace-alliance, so that the Holy Spirit makes us embody the love of Christ that moves us to reconciliation and unity. February 20th, 2023 Protestant Church in Germany (EKD) National Council of Churches in Korea (NCCK)
2023-03-07 13:33:10
커뮤니티NCCK Letter of condolences on the passing of His Holiness, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
NCCK Letter of condolences on the passing of His Holiness, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
NCCK Letter of condolences on the passing of His Holiness, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI The National Council of Churches in Korea expresses its deep condolences on the passing of Pope Benedict XVI, and we offer our consolation to all the members of the global Catholic community who will be grieving at this moment. We will long remember the teachings of the Pope and the life and practices of the priest who led the conversation and cooperation between the Catholic Church and the Ecumenical Faith along with. In particular, he devoted himself to harmonious dialogue between Catholics and Protestants, along with the Faith and Order Commission, which will be recorded as a great achievement and legacy in the ecumenical movement for Church unity throughout the world. In addition, the theological legacy of the Pope, the pure heart of Christ's love and peace he modeled, and his spirit of humility toward low places will be remembered as part of the legacy of all the Ecumenical faith communities and the trajectory of life, a model that we must continue to practice. Once again, we deeply mourn the passing of Pope Benedict XVI alongside all our friends of faith who walk this path of pilgrimage in the Korean Church's ecumenical tradition and history, and we pray that the Pope will enjoy a peaceful rest in God's arms forever. “Let him be as helpful as rain that refreshes the meadows and the ground. Let the king be fair with everyone, and let there be peace until the moon falls from the sky.” Psalm 72:6-7(NRSV) January 3rd, 2023 National Council of Churches in Korea Rev. Lee, Hong Jung, General Secretary 베네딕토 16세 전 교황 선종, NCCK 애도메시지 [Korean]
2023-01-05 14:43:28
An Appeal from the Korea-Japan Platform for Alliances Based on Justice and History
Korea-Japan (Japan-Korea) Reconciliation and Peace Platform To: Mr. Joe Biden President The United States of America April 15, 2021 A Joint Appeal of Korean and Japanese Citizens to the U.S. Government and Civil Society US government and civil society, please do not be party to the Japanese Government’s refusal to settle historical wrongs: Correct historical awareness and an end-of-war declaration in Korea are levers for peace in Northeast Asia We send you our warm greetings of peace from Japan and Korea. We hope this appeal finds you well, and we wish to begin with the context out of which it has come. Based on a correct memory of the painful history between Korea and Japan, in July last year the civil society and religious communities in Japan and Korea launched the "Korea-Japan (Japan-Korea) Reconciliation and Peace Platform" (hereinafter referred to as the "JK Platform") to serve as a catalyst for a new era of reconciliation and peace. With the hope of reconciliation and peace between Korea and Japan, the JK Platform comes together with cooperation and solidarity through a correct perception of history, a permanent peace settlement on the Korean Peninsula and protection of Article 9 in Japan’s constitution, denuclearization and disarmament in East Asia, and human rights and peace education for the next generation. Last February 4th, we heard a report that President Joe Biden and President Moon Jae-in reached a consensus that, “cooperation between South Korea, the United States, and Japan is important for Northeast Asian peace and prosperity.” However, we are concerned that the US government, in order to strengthen US-Korea-Japan military cooperation, is urging the Korean and Japanese governments to reach a political settlement that will wipe away the past colonial legacy and the human rights issues including the enforced labor and the Japanese military sexual slavery. We do not want an agreement that puts national interests and military alliances first, forcing the victims of colonial rule to compromise and keep silence. Any political compromise that sets aside the issue of historical awareness will destabilize Korea-Japan relations and fail to bring about lasting peace in the region. Furthermore, the Korean War must also come to an end for peace and prosperity in Northeast Asia. We demand that the U.S. government develop policies toward an end-of-war declaration for the Korean War and the conclusion of a peace agreement. We earnestly appeal to U.S. civil society and religious communities for their loving attention, active support, and solidarity to ensure that the U.S. government positively responds to the following demands. First, we ask the U.S. government to respect the recovery of human rights for the victims of war crimes by the former Japanese military. The U.S. government's apology and reparation for the forced internment and unfair treatment of Japanese immigrants during World War II set a good example for the international community. The U.S. government was involved in the process in which Korea and Japan reached to the 1965 Japan Korea Treaty on Basic Relations and the 2015 Comfort Women Agreement. However, as you are aware, these two agreements did not reflect the intentions of the colonial victims, which has now become a root cause for the current unstable relationship between Korea and Japan. We believe that the current Biden administration, which now emphasizes human rights, should be active in restoring the human rights of war victims. We must remember and recognize that Germany made possible a new start in post-war Europe by reflecting on and remembering their own crimes against humanity committed against Jews. Second, we demand that the U.S. government implement policies toward ending the Korean War and concluding a peace agreement. We hope the Biden administration will consolidate its efforts to improve the relationship between the two Koreas, between Korea and Japan, and between Korean and the U.S. by advancing the peace process on the Korean Peninsula. We also hope that Korea will not be included in the QUAD alliance that will strengthen the new Cold War system in Northeast Asia and strengthen the division system on the Korean Peninsula. There was no direct confrontation between the U.S. and the Soviet Union in the East-West Cold War, but we can never forget the fratricidal Cold War in Asia. However, since that war has not yet officially ended it remains a fundamental cause of the violation of the peace and human rights of the people on the Korean Peninsula. We reiterate that an agreement to end the Korean War cannot be a diplomatic card calling for the denuclearization of the DPRK. This is ending the disastrous history of war and the history of division on the Korean Peninsula. For peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula as well as in Northeast Asia, we once again demand that the U.S. government implement policies that declare an end to the Korean War and conclude a peace agreement. We sincerely appeal for the active support and solidarity of U.S. civil society, religious communities, and political leaders, hoping that they will share our concerns for remembering the past history correctly, respecting the human rights, making peace, and especially for the establishing the Japan-Korea relations based on justice. Korea-Japan (Japan-Korea) Reconciliation and Peace Platform Korea Representatives Rev. Dr. Hong-jung, Lee (General Secretary, The National Council of Churches in Korea) Kyomu In-sung, Jung (Won Buddhism Priest) Mr. Choong-mok, Han (President, Korea Alliance For Progressive Movement) Ms. Tae-sun, Kwon (Co-representative, Korean Federation for Environmental Movement) Steering Comm. Members Fr. Ju-seok, Kang (General Secretary, National Reconciliation Committee of Catholic Bishop's Conference of Korea) Kyomu Sang-deok, Jung (Won Buddhism Priest) Rev. Seung-min, Shin (Director, The National Council of Churches in Korea/ Coordinator of Korea Platform) Ms. Mi Kyung, Eum (Chair of Reunification Affairs Committee, Korea Alliance For Progressive Movement) Ms. Mee-hee, Son (Co-President, Civil Network for the ‘Chosun School’ & Student in Japan) Mr. Ji-jung, An (Co-Executive Chairman, Korea Alliance For Progressive Movement) Ms. Jung-sook, Yun (Co-representative, Green Korea United) Mr. Kyung-min, Kim (General Secretary, Young Man's Christian Association Korea) Dr. Na-Young, Lee (Chair of the Board, The Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance for the Issues of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan & Professor of Sociology at Chung-Ang University) Mr. Sin-cheol, Lee (Standing Co-chair of Steering Committee, Asia Peace and History Education Network) Mr. Soo-yun, Shin (Chair of Steering Committee, Korean Network Against Military Bases) Mr. Tae-ho, Lee (Chair of Steering Committee, Civil Society Organizations Network in Korea) Secretariat Comm. Members Rev. Bo-hyun, Hwang (Executive Secretary, The National Council of Churches in Korea) Ms. Hye-ran, Yoon (Direcrot, Young Man's Christian Association Korea) Mr. Sung-kun, Moon (General Secretary, Young Korean Academy (Heung Sa Dan) Mr. Yeong-hwan, Kim (Chief of the External Relations Team, The Center for Historical Truth and Justice) Japan Co-Representatives Ken Takada (No War Civil Society Citizen’s Liaison against The Revision of Article 9) Shinsaku Nohira (Peace Boat) Fr. Ichiro Mitsunobu SJ (Japan Catholic Council for Justice and Peace) Rev. Bunkou Ono (Article9 Peace of Religious People) Steering Comm. Members Kenju Watanabe (Japan-Korea People's Solidarity Japan Network) Fr. Jun Nakai SJ (Japan Catholic Council for Justice and Peace) Rev. Aika Taira (Christian Network for Peace -sticking to the Peace Constitution) Koh Odagawa (Civil Forum on Korean Hibakusha Issues) Takashi Shiraishi (Network of hope for promoting civic exchange between Japan and South Korea) Atsuko Hiki (Division of Education, National Christian Council in Japan) Mina Watanabe (Women's Active Museum on War and Peace (WAM) ) Rev. Takao Takeda (Nipponzan Myohoji) Rev. Yukichi Ishikawa (Aichi Association for Peace of Religion) Yuichi Hida (Kobe Youth/Students Center) Rev. Takuya Izuka (East Asia Reconciliation and Peace Committee of National Christian Council in Japan) Keiko Kitamura (Women Committee of National Christian Council in Japan) Rev./Dr. Sungjae Kim (National Christian Council in Japan) Secretariat Noriko Hiruma (Japan Catholic Council for Justice and Peace) Akiko Shioe (Meeting to think about children's education in collaboration with Korean schools in Japan) Nobuyuki Sato (National Conference of Christians Seeking Institution of a Basic Law for Non-Japanese Residents) Noriko Kuju, EANPR (East Asian Network for Peace and Reconciliation) Takako Watanabe (Christian Network for Peace sticking to the Peace Constitution) Yoshimitsu Fujimori (National Christian Council in Japan)
2021-09-10 13:53:44
English2021 Sunday Prayer Worship for Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula
2021 Sunday Prayer Worship for Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula
August 15 is celebrated as Liberation Day in Korea, the day that signifies Korea’s liberation from Japanese colonization.In 2013, the WCC 10th General Assembly meeting in Busan, Korea passed a resolution that the churches of the world will annually observe each Sunday prior to August 15 as a “Sunday of Prayer for the Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula.”The Reconciliation and Reunification Committee of the NCCK drafted this liturgy in the hopes that each church could apply it with reference to their own situation.The Joint Prayer for the Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula is usually prepared by both the NCCK (South) and the Korean Christian Federation (North) together.In 2018 the two leaders from North and South Korea met and adopted the Panmunjom Declaration and the Pyongyang Declaration. In order to fully actualize the spirit of these two declarations, NCCK declared a People’s Korea Peace Agreement and is currently engaged in a global campaign to secure 1 million Christian signatures. Please join this signature campaign with your neighbors, relatives and neighboring communities. Peace is approaching us. * Please participate in the Korea Peace Appeal Campaign: If you have used this service liturgy, we thank you. Please send a brief note to Kurt at so that we will have a record. In addition, the NCCK welcomes any suggestions for improvement.
2021-08-09 15:40:02
EnglishLetter to President Rodrigo Duterte
Letter to President Rodrigo Duterte
Mr. Rodrigo Duterte President The Republic of the Philippines April 5, 2021 Dear Mr. President, On behalf of the National Council of Churches in Korea, we bring you greetings in the name of Jesus the risen Lord. As an Ecumenical body of Korean Church, for a long time we have devoted ourselves to the Korean democracy movement in solidarity with World Council of Churches and Christian Council of Asia. We have also been working together with the United Church of the Philippines (UCCP) to spread the Good News of salvation. But, on March 28, 2021, we heard the shocking news from them that your government froze their bank accounts and the properties of the Haran Center in Davao City. For a long time, as far as we know, the UCCP Haran (Home and Altar for Renewal, Action, and Nurture) has been a safe haven for Lumads fleeing from rampant militarization in their communities. According to the UCCP statement, the government’s freezing of the bank account and property stems from the malicious and unfounded allegation that the UCCP Haran’s assets have been “used to finance terrorism,” harboring the Lumads in the compound and indoctrinating them with “communist ideals”. We are also overwhelmed with anger and horrifying misery to hear that earlier in September last year, the UCCP Bishop Reuel Norman Marigza (currently, the NCCP’s General Secretary) and the Haran manager were accused of human trafficking and child abuse. Later on, it was revealed this accusation had been fabricated by the government. Above all, we define the Philippine government's attack as a grave human rights violation that jeopardizes the lives of the Lumads. Protecting the rights of the uprooted people is the nation's most important task, but the Philippine government is driving them toward death by calling them terrorists. We also define this attack as a violation of the Constitution in that it suppresses religious freedom guaranteed by the Constitution. The most important teaching of Christianity is "love of neighbor" (Mathew 12:27-29), therefore it is a serious blasphemy to disturb the missionary work of practicing love for neighbors. Strongly condemning these malicious acts of the Philippine government, we urge President Duterte to: Ensure the right to life and human rights of the Lumads Lift immediately the freeze on UCCP accounts and property Reveal the truth on the fabricated accusations against UCCP officials including Bishop Marigza, and come up with measures to prevent recurrence. We have heard that the human rights situation in the Philippines is worsening as the extra judicial killings are being committed against many innocent people including pastors. Therefore, we sincerely ask you to listen to the cries of the innocent people and bring justice to them. We believe that God will listen to the cries of the people, wipe away their tears and relieve their injustice. In addition, we will pray and act in solidarity with churches in the world so that God’s justice and peace will soon be realized in the Philippine society. "I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But take courage; I have overcome the world!" (John 16:33). Sincerely Yours, Rev. Lee Hong Jung General Secretary 강 용 규 Rev. Kang Yong-kyu Chair-person – International Affair Committee National Council of Churches in Korea
2021-04-09 15:46:50
North Korea policy review Faith-based letter to President Biden
April 7, 2021 Dear President Biden The undersigned faith-based organizations write in light of your administration’s review of U.S. policy toward North Korea. As groups motivated by our faith to support peace and human flourishing around the world, we affirm the need to rethink tactics of isolation and maximum pressure and advance U.S.-North Korean relations through dialogue and engagement. We also urge an approach that supports faith-based and other organizations in meeting the humanitarian needs of North Korea’s most vulnerable populations. As fellow people of faith, we ask that your policy review consider the following priorities: • End the Korean War. Although a ceasefire in 1953 brought an end to active fighting, the United States and the two Koreas never signed a formal peace treaty declaring an end to the war, and this ongoing conflict is the root of hostilities between the United States and North Korea. Korean people on both sides of the divide support an end to the Korean War, and the U.S. must support the will of Koreans and their right to live in peace. Declaring an end to the war provides the necessary security assurances to pursue denuclearization and is a long overdue and an essential first step toward a new relationship. • Agree to a step-by-step, action-for-action gradual denuclearization process. In working toward denuclearization, the United States should avoid maximalist approaches and expectations that North Korea will unilaterally disarm with no security guarantees or other reciprocal processes. • Support confidence-building measures that also address humanitarian needs. These measures include:o Reaffirming past commitments including those made in the 2018 Singapore Joint Declaration;o Strengthening exemptions for humanitarian activities so that humanitarian and relief organizations can quickly and flexibly respond to dire need in the country;o Consulting with humanitarian and peacebuilding organizations before implementing policy changes that could negatively impact their work;o Rescinding travel restrictions so that humanitarian travel can continue, including the monitoring and delivery of humanitarian aid, the recovery of U.S. service member remains, and the reunification of North Korean and Korean American families; ando Permitting Track II dialogues, private people-to-people exchanges and government-sponsored exchange programs such as the International Visitor Leadership Program which would expand opportunities for dialogue, engagement, and mutual learning. • Prioritize diplomatic engagement and avoid actions that complicate diplomacy such as large-scale military exercises, hostile rhetoric, or rejecting opportunities for engagement. • Avoid unilateral action that interferes with the engagement efforts of South Korea. Instead, give the Korean people agency to determine a peaceful future together. Religious leaders around the world have led the call for constructive dialogue and a peace regime. Pope Francis stated after the Singapore Summit, “The Holy See regards favorably the dialogues in course” expressing hope that dialogues would “lead to shared and lasting solutionscapable of ensuring a future of development and cooperation for the whole Korean people and for the entire region.” “The history of the Korean War has taught us that the reunification of Korea cannot be pursued by armed force and coercive means, given the tragic consequences of that conflict. It can only be achieved by peaceful means, through dialogue and cooperation,” reads a joint ecumenical statement issued by the World Council of Churches and signed by South Korean, U.S. and other international churches. We share this hope that sustained dialogue and engagement with North Korea can lead to meaningful change and affirm ongoing diplomatic engagement. We believe that embracing the above principles will succeed where hostility and isolation have failed. Our organizations look forward to continuing to promote peace and reconciliation on the Korean peninsula and hope to offer our support for a constructive U.S. policy toward North Korea. Thank you for your consideration, American Friends Service CommitteeChurch of the Brethren, Office of Peacebuilding and PolicyDC Methodist ChurchFairfield Grace UMCFriends Committee on National LegislationHoly Cross Washington Korean Episcopal ChurchJungto Society USAKorean Process Theology Study GroupMaryknoll Office for Global ConcernsMennonite Central Committee U.S. Washington OfficeNational Council of ChurchesPresbyterian Church (USA), Office of Global WitnessPresbyterian Peace Network for KoreaSt John’s Episcopal Church, MDUnited Church of Christ, Justice and Witness MinistriesThe United Methodist Church - General Board of Church and Society
2021-04-09 15:42:14
EnglishAn Appeal for Democracy and Peace in Myanmar  On Behalf of the Korean Church
An Appeal for Democracy and Peace in Myanmar On Behalf of the Korean Church
An Appeal for Democracy and Peace in Myanmar On Behalf of the Korean Church “Hate evil and love good, and establish justice in the gate.” (Amos 5:15a) Since the Myanmar military coup on February 1, we, the National Council of Churches in Korea (NCCK), have been praying and watching the peaceful but desperate civil disobedience movement spread like wildfire, filled the holy anger of the people of Myanmar. Along with citizens around the world, we are angry over the atrocities and vicious human rights abuses of the military, which suppresses unarmed nonviolent civil actions with indiscriminate assault, gun fire, arson, and detention. The World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) have issued pastoral letters and joint statements in solidarity with the people of Myanmar protesting against the military, which has trampled on the will of the people for the past 60 years. We, the NCCK, including some of our member churches and institutions, have also issued solidarity letters and statements appealing for the suspension of the murderous suppression of demonstrations, immediate transfer of power to the civilian government, and active intervention by the international community. Nevertheless, as we witness the ever-escalating situation in Myanmar, we have now decided to engage in establishing true democracy and peace in the country. Once again, we gather our determined will and appeal to the Korean Church, the Korean government, and the global religious/civil society for the democratization of Myanmar as shown below. First, we appeal to the Korean Church and Christians. Jesus Christ showed us a model of solidarity through prayer. Christians live by the power of prayer, and prayer can change the world. At noon every day during Lent, let's share a one-minute prayer for building a society where murderous suppression of protests in Myanmar ceases immediately, power transfers to civilian authority, and democracy and human rights are respected. During Lent, let's fast for one meal and actively participate in the fundraising campaign to donate money to detainees, refugees, minorities and children. With the Korean Church eagerly awaiting the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who defeated the power of death, we sincerely appeal to the people of Myanmar whose hearts are suffering that we may unite with the practice of prayer. Second, we appeal to the Korean government and Korean corporations. On February 26, the South Korean National Assembly adopted a resolution condemning the Myanmar military coup and urging them to recover democracy and release detainees. The resolution condemned the military coup and urged the Korean government with the international community to actively engage in the crisis to pressure the military to release Aung San Suu Kyi, withdraw the state of emergency, stop using force against citizens, and restore democracy. We urge the government to respect the resolution and immediately take effective measures to pressure Myanmar's military, and thoroughly monitor South Korea's weapons and anti-protest equipment to keep it from being exported to Myanmar. Also, we sincerely appeal to Korean companies related to military industries. At this moment, the Korean companies’ well-intentioned investment and cooperation are returning to Myanmar people as weapons for the military. We appeal for the suspension of partnership and investment in Myanmar’s military until their democracy is secure. Third, we appeal to the international community. The tyranny and atrocities of Myanmar's military are fundamental challenges to a humane society. Innocent people in Myanmar who love democracy and peace are desperately appealing to the international community. Therefore, we urge the UN Security Council and the General Assembly, by the spirit of the UN's "Responsibility to Protect" principle, to pressure Myanmar's military, which is committing humanitarian crimes in killing its own citizens, and to pass arms embargoes, economic sanctions, and travel bans. The UN Human Rights Council should dispatch a human rights investigation team to monitor and prevent further human rights violations in Myanmar. We urge the Korean government, a member of the UN Human Rights Council, to put forth its best effort to persuade the UNHRC. We appeal to the International Criminal Court for active intervention in Myanmar's military, which has committed crimes against humanity for more than half a century. In particular we urge the Western colonial powers, the United States, China, and other neighboring powers that have used a divide and conquer strategy, perpetuated ethnic conflict, and kept Myanmar under military dictatorship, to lay down their desire to dominate and now actively work to democratize Myanmar. Korean church members, Korean people, and global citizens who love justice and peace, the people of Myanmar are now appealing to us, just as we have appealed to the global church and the world religious/civil society in years past. The people of Myanmar striving for their own democratization have found inspiration in our past appeals and our history of sacrifice for democratization in Korea. Now, we should become the eyes and ears, the hands and feet for the people of Myanmar. We should be a haven and a shelter. We believe that God's companionship and solidarity will accompany the people of Myanmar, their bereaved families, those in prison, those who are missing, and those who fight on the streets for democracy, human rights, and for life in this moment. We declare that we will pray and unite in solidarity with the Korean churches and the world's religious/civil society until the day when Myanmar actualizes democracy and respects the value of the people's freedom and human rights. March 11, 2021 The National Council of Churches in Korea Moderator, Peter Kyong-ho, LEE General Secretary, Hong-jung, LEE Member Churches Moderator, Jung-ho SHIN, The Presbyterian Church of Korea President Bishop, Chul LEE, The Korean Methodist Church Moderator, Gun-hee LEE, The Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea Territorial Commander, Man-hee CHANG, The Salvation Army Korea Territory Primate, Peter Kyong-ho LEE, The Anglican Church of Korea President, Mi-sun JANG, The Korea Evangelical Church Metropolitan Ambrosios Orthodox Metropolis of Korea Superintendent Young-hee YOO, The Assemblies of God of Korea President Eun-seob KIM, The Lutheran Church in Korea Member Organizations Chairperson of the Board of Directors Dal-ik SON, Christian Broadcasting System President Jin-han SUH, The Christian Literature Society of Korea Chairperson of the board of Directors, Soo-il CHAI, Korea Student Christian Federation President, In-dong SONG, The National Council of YMCAs of Korea President, Young-hee WON, The National YWCA of Korea
2021-03-16 12:03:08
EnglishGeneral Secretary's Message at a Press Conference Opposing US-SK Joint Military Drills
General Secretary's Message at a Press Conference Opposing US-SK Joint Military Drills
“The peace process on the Korean Peninsula is incompatible with the US-SK joint military exercises.” [A presentation given by Rev. Lee, Hong Jung at a civil society press conference organized by the South Korean Committee on the June 15th Joint Declaration opposing the US-SK joint military exercises on Thursday February, 25, 2021] The peace process on the Korean Peninsula is incompatible with the US-SK joint military exercises. While boasting the strongest military power and state-of-the-art military equipment, we cannot build mutual trust in building peace on the Korean Peninsula by practicing scenarios like Operation Plan 5015 that specifies preemptive attacks on and occupation of North Korea. The suspension of the US-SK joint military exercises was the key to shepherding in the Pyeongchang Spring of 2018 and opening the tightly closed iron gate of the peace process on the Korean Peninsula. The resumption of US-SK joint military exercises shows that both governments lack the true will to lead the peace process through peaceful means, despite the golden opportunity to once again create a new way out of this stalled peace process. In the name of supporting U.S. and North Korean diplomatic efforts to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula, they changed the name of the exercises to a name less likely to provoke the North and reduced their size, but unless the basic operational plan such as preemptive strikes and removal of the North Korean regime is removed, it is no better than trying to cover up the sky. The fundamental target of the US-SK joint military drills has not changed, and considering the context of the process of peace on the Korean Peninsula the negative meaning of the joint military drills has not changed. In the midst of a particularly acute battle between the Cold War hegemonies of the U.S. and China, U.S. strategic assets have been deployed near the Korean Peninsula, and the controversy over upgrading the THAAD system in Seongju has resumed; therefore, we must express deep concern for these military actions on the Korean Peninsula. South Korea, which the U.S. has incorporated into the infrastructure of its Strategic Framework for the Indo-Pacific including Japan, Australia, and India, lives with a geopolitical fate where it must be mobilized for alliance diplomacy and alliance wars for U.S. interests at any time, and the US-SK joint military exercises serve this purpose. The anti-life devastation and aftermath of the Korean War, which marked its 70th anniversary last year, the entrenched division of the Korean War and the spread of Cold War culture have become a symbol of anti-peace. The people who live on the Korean Peninsula both in the South and the North are victims of the 70 years of Korean War trapped under a global Cold War system. With a “holy fury” we strongly urge the immediate suspension of all military actions and hostile policies that encourage confrontation and conflict on the Korean Peninsula in order to protect the right to life and safety of the people. The leaders of the two Koreas promised to make efforts to establish a peace regime on the Korean Peninsula through the historic Panmunjom Declaration and the Pyongyang Joint Declaration. The DPRK-US Singapore Summit also shared the same spirit. Nevertheless, even in the midst of the process of visualizing and implementing the spirit of the joint agreements, the military authorities of South Korea and the United States have continued to conduct joint military exercises and to suppress the military strategies toward North Korea. We will never passively sit by and watch the logic of "war economics" led by the globalized forces of the Military Industrial Complex control the peace process on the Korean Peninsula. We urge the South Korea, North Korea, and the U.S. authorities to stop all acts of mutual hostility, to actively implement the agreements between the leaders in the Panmunjom Declaration, the Pyongyang Joint Declaration, and the Singapore Joint Statement, in cooperation with the global religious/civil society. With the belief that peace can only be achieved through peaceful means, we will pray and unite with the world's religious/civil society for a declaration of the end of the war, the conclusion of a peace agreement, a permanent peace settlement on the Korean Peninsula, and peace in Northeast Asia.
2021-03-10 11:47:44
EnglishAn appeal to Korean Church and Society:  “We Sincerely Ask for Your Prayers and Solidarity  for the Democratization of Myanmar.”
An appeal to Korean Church and Society: “We Sincerely Ask for Your Prayers and Solidarity for the Democratization of Myanmar.”
An appeal to Korean Church and Society: “We Sincerely Ask for Your Prayers and Solidarity for the Democratization of Myanmar.” The National Council of Churches in Korea, along with the Korean Church and its people send our enthusiastic support and solidarity as we see a wave of explosive national resistance and international solidarity spreading around the world after Myanmar’s military coup on February 1st. The Myanmar Council of Churches (MCC) has already issued an emergency statement calling for the restoration of democracy, the release of detainees, suspension of violence, and for peace and solidarity to Myanmar's churches and people, as well as churches and civil society around the world. The World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) also sent a joint pastoral letter to their member church hoping for democracy and the safety of the people in Myanmar. We are sure that Myanmar has reached a historical point where the military must no longer trample on the people’s democratization movement with guns and swords as happened in 1988 and 2007. We sincerely hope that this democratization movement will serve as the cornerstone of Myanmar's true democratization, where the right to live and the right to autonomy of various ethnic minorities are respected. We also urge the South Korean government, preserving the spirit of our candlelight revolution, to actively join in solidarity with Myanmar’s democratization movement, and we urge South Korean companies that support Myanmar's military leadership directly or indirectly to reconsider that cooperation. In response, we declare our solidarity with the Korean Church and the global Church on behalf of Myanmar, and we urge the following: The Myanmar military should respect the results of the November 2020 general elections and immediately hand over power to the civilian government. Myanmar's military should immediately release Aung San Suu Kyi, government leaders, and civil society figures. Myanmar's military should immediately stop the violent suppression of protests, investigate the truth of the crackdown, punish those responsible, and come up with measures to prevent a recurrence. The South Korean government, preserving the spirit of the candlelight revolution, should support Myanmar’s democracy, and Korean companies should reconsider their direct and indirect support of Myanmar’s military control. We the NCCK will be in solidarity and in prayer with the global Church until Myanmar's military dictatorship ends and true democracy is achieved. Feb. 24, 2021 Bishop Lee Kyung-ho, Moderator, Rev. Lee Hong-jung, General Secretary National Council of Churches in Korea
2021-02-26 16:19:52
EnglishStructure,  Members – Contact
Structure, Members – Contact
General Assembly The General Assembly is the supreme legislative organization, and consists of 270 representatives from member denominations and organizations and is held annually in November. In every other year, it is held in conjunction with the ecumenical mission convention. Executive Committee The Executive Committee is mandated to implement the important agendas decided in the General Assembly. The Committee is made up of around 90 members including staff and has at least four regular meetings every year. Program Committees 14 committees made up of about 30 members each take charge of the execution of resolutions decided during General Assembly. • Constitution Committee: • Finance Committee: • Theology Committee: • Christian Unity Committee: • Interreligious Dialogue Committee: • Reconciliation and Reunification Committee: • Justice and Peace Committee: • Life and Culture Committee: • Women’s Committee: • Communications Committee: • Education Committee: • International Relations Committee: • Christian Social Service Committee: • Youth Committee: Executive Office The office executes the business matters committed by the General Assembly, Executive Committee and Program committees. Contact To get in touch with NCCK, contact our international office via email: Members and Partners Member Churches: • Presbyterian Church of Korea (PCK) • Korean Methodist Church (KMC) • Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea (PROK) • Salvation Army Korea Territory • Anglican Church of Korea • Korea Evangelical Church • Orthodox Church of Korea • Korea Assemblies of God (Seodaemun) • Lutheran Church in Korea Member Organizations • Christian Broadcasting System (CBS) • Christian Literature Society of Korea (CLS) • Korea Student Christian Federation (KSCF) • National Council of the Young Men’s Christian Associations of Korea (YMCA) • Young Women’s Christian Association of Korea (YWCA) Global Partners • World Council of Churches • Christian Conference of Asia • World Student Christian Federation • Ecumenical Forum for Peaceful Reunification and Development Cooperation on the Korean Peninsula (EFK)
2021-02-04 16:03:45
EnglishWhat we do
What we do
Ecumenism/church unity, interfaith The NCCK sincerely acknowledges the reality of the vast diversity of church denominations and sub-denominations in Korea. With this in mind, the NCCK works for church unity in such areas as mission, theology, and church service, particularly encouraging exchanges between theologians and seminary students of different denominations. The NCCK annually observes the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity together with the Korean Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church every January. Peace and reunification in Korea “We the churches of Korea believe that all Christians have now been called to work as apostles of peace (Colossians 3:15); that we are commanded by God to overcome today's reality of confrontation between our divided people - who share the same blood but who are separated into south and north; and that our mission task is to work for the realization of unification and peace (Matthew 5:23-24).” - Declaration of the Churches of Korea on National Reunification and Peace, 1988 The separation between North and South Korea is recognized by the global community as the only remaining case of national division in the world. Overcoming this division has been one of the most pressing historical agendas for the churches of Korea. In 1982, the NCCK professed that peaceful reunification was to be a mission task of the Korean Church, and the WCC and world partner churches have joined them in this task. Since 1988, the NCCK and the Korean Christian Federation (KCF), the NCCK’s North Korean counterpart, have been jointly observing annual common prayer Sundays. The NCCK has been working on exchanges and cooperation with the KCF to mutually share resources with our sisters and brothers in North Korea. The NCCK took up the reins of a global campaign for a Korean peace treaty in 2013 in cooperation with the WCC, and in 2019 it merged this campaign with the Korea Peace Appeal alongside numerous Korean NGOs and global peace networks seeking to end the ongoing Korean War. World churches, solidarity From its early years, the NCCK focused on exchanges with churches around the world, sending delegates to the first General Assembly of the WCC. Particularly after the Korean War, the world churches worked diligently to restore the Korean Church and society and have affected a deep concern for, and sincere cooperation with, Korean churches through supporting the human rights movement and the democracy movement during the period of the Yushin Dictatorship Constitution in the 70s, and the peaceful reunification movement in the 80s. The NCCK seeks to build and strengthen solidarity with world ecumenical organizations including the WCC and the CCA, and world partner churches in the US, Japan, Germany, Canada, Australia, the Philippines, China, and Russia, and many other countries through organizing joint conferences and exchange programs. Justice and peace (Church and society, human rights) The NCCK works to achieve God’s justice and peace and the integrity of creation in areas of political, economic and social issues to fulfill its social mandate as God’s Church. Among many issues related to these areas the NCCK especially focuses on human rights violations against marginalized people by unjust powers, issues of poverty and marginalization caused by neoliberalism, the destruction of the environment, and seeks to understand the perspectives of the LGBTQ+ community along with issues surrounding sexual minorities in order to build God’s beloved community on earth. Organized in 1974, the NCCK Human Rights Committee has played a leading role in advocating issues of human rights, democratization, economic justice, and overcoming violence throughout Korean society. This committee created the Human Rights Center as a special task force to address the human rights of all people in Korea and to facilitate solidarity with other peoples in Asia. Eventually the Human Rights Committee was reorganized as the Justice and Peace Committee, and the Human Rights Center continued its work while also working more independently. Nonetheless the now Justice and Peace Committee continues to relate closely with the Human Rights Center as their work often overlaps on efforts such as presenting faith standpoints on social issues, holding services on Human Rights Sunday, awarding human rights prizes, working to improve the rights of Koreans living in Japan, holding prayer meetings on behalf of the suffering and marginalized, participating in the movement for the abolition of capital punishment and supporting prisoners without family or friends. The Life and Culture Committee establishes, educates on and publicizes on behalf of the dignity of life and Christian ethics, and studies and makes measurements about ecological and environmental problems. Holding conferences on environmental policies, holding Environment Sunday services, making environmental booklets, making an environmental rounding service, and holding workshops on caring for life are the main works of the committee with its purpose of harmonizing science and religion. Beginning in 2021 this committee has launched a campaign to address the global climate crisis, “10 Years of Emergency Action for the Climate Crisis”. This campaign will help equip churches and Christian climate groups for operating in a post-COVID-19 society, will facilitate solidarity between churches and climate action groups, increase awareness of and expand participation in climate action, and enhance cooperation with the global Church to realize the 2050 Zero Carbon campaign. The Life and Culture Committee also works to revitalize Christian culture, and to develop and improve ecumenical spirituality. It encourages the church to positively affirm the culturally creative activities of human beings which God has blessed, and to love and respect the diversity and creativity of culture. Through the love, Gospel spirit, and ecumenical spirit of Jesus Christ, the Christian Social Service Committee aims to support emergency relief to various underprivileged people at home and abroad and to the socially disadvantaged in need, mid- to long-term disaster recovery projects, social service and social welfare, social development support, social service leader training, and aid for homelessness; and furthermore, the committee seeks to contribute to the development of the ecumenical cooperation projects of Korean Christianity. The committee’s major efforts include 'Ecumenical Diaconia Academy' courses, humanitarian exchange cooperation with North Korea, policy research to revitalize the social economy and social enterprises, disaster relief workshops and training programs, poverty relief works, publishing a collection of Christian Social Movement history, and Diaconian mission sponsorship projects. Faith and order The Faith and Order Committee focuses on establishing a theological base for ecumenism and the unity of Korean churches. The committee is trying to find a way to theologize the Korean Church’s ecumenical movement and, by doing so, to contribute to Korean and world theology. The Committee theologically reviews peace and conflict issues inside and outside Korea from diverse angles to broaden and deepen the Korean churches’ theological understanding of peace. Gender equality The Committee for Women is concerned about working toward a practice of gender equality in the church through reforming damaged power structures, advocating for the subjectivity of women in the church, and promoting women’s leadership and solidarity. In its second “Decade of Churches in Solidarity with Women” (2001-2010), the Committee worked hard under the theme of “toward a living community of equality and sharing”, to combat discrimination and violence against women in Korea and to make a world of equality and peace. The Committee is working not only with Christian women but also with women from other religions and social organizations as an expression of the Christian women’s movement for peace and unity. Through participating in diverse initiatives of the Committee, NCCK member denominations recognize their responsibility for discriminatory structures against women in the church and society, and are encouraged to work for the restoration of Christian communities of respect and sharing. Youth (Young Adult) leadership NCCK’s work with youth (young adults) is carried out by the Youth Committee in areas of mission work to achieve social justice, such as ecumenism and unity of Christian youth, renewal of the Church, prophetic criticism of social injustice, and support of suffering neighbors. Recognizing the reality of Christian young adults who are often pressured to survive in our highly competitive society, NCCK’s youth work plans and promotes continuous policies to help youth to establish their identities as Christians and to live as Christian youth through practical professions of faith. The NCCK’s Youth Committee includes participation of NCCK member organizations such as the Korean Student Christian Federation (KSCF), the National YWCA of Korea, and the Korean YMCA. The Committee also works in cooperation with an affiliate organization, the Ecumenical Youth Council in Korea. Christian Education The NCCK bolsters Christian education throughout Korea through the Education Committee. The main activities and work of this committee involve laying a foundation for a sustainable ecumenical movement, and to ensure that this movement of ecumenism spreads to the each region of Korea where it will be implemented through actual faith and life. The Education Committee especially seeks to accomplish this last aspect through the Christian Academy Program. The Academy facilitates meetings and lectures throughout Korea in cooperation with other NCCK committees and partner organizations to spread practicable daily church unity, encouraging local churches and Christians to live lives based on justice, peace, reconciliation, and respect for life, as well as becoming healthy members of local civil society and democratic citizens. The Education Committee also studies the deepening educational inequality in a post-COVID-19 Korea, seeks alternatives, and tries to find what the church can do to address the situation. They also seek to counteract the assumptions that intellectual pursuits should be excluded from Christian or theological conversations, a tendency found in some Korean churches. Instead, the committee strives to cultivate Christians who communicate with the world and society and who include academic and intellectual voices at the table. Honoring Korean Christian history The NCCK 100th Anniversary Project Committee was created in 2015 and has been working to prepare for the 100th anniversary of the NCCK in 2024. For this anniversary the Project Committee seeks to honor the legacy which the NCCK set in 1932 when it announced a social creed calling for the protection of human rights for children, women, and workers. In that spirit the NCCK has been struggling on behalf of democracy, human rights, and peace on the Korean Peninsula ever since the period of South Korea’s military dictatorships. The NCCK's 100th anniversary project collects and publishes materials from the Korean Christian Social Movement, and it focuses on publishing history books for the purpose of researching and promoting the contribution of Korean Christianity to the progress of Korean society. Contact To get in touch with NCCK, contact our international office via email:
2021-02-04 15:49:10
EnglishOur History
Our History
Who we are The National Council of Churches in Korea is an organization made up of churches who profess Jesus Christ as their Saviour, respond to God’s call, and work for God’s glory. Since the 23rd General Assembly in 1970, the Presbyterian Church of Korea, the Korean Methodist Church, the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea, the Salvation Army Korea Territory, the Anglican Church of Korea and the Korea Evangelical Church have been working as members. At the 45th General Assembly in 1996 the Orthodox Church of Korea and the Korea Assemblies of God joined as members and at the 60th General Assembly in 2011 the Lutheran Church in Korea joined as well, making a total of nine denominations working together in membership at the present. These denominations are joined by other Christian organizations in Korea, such as the Christian Broadcasting System and the Korea Student Christian Federation. For a full list of our member churches and organizations, visit this page. The NCCK not only works together with other major Christian denominations in Korea but also has close international relationships with the World Council of Churches (WCC), the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA), and national councils of churches in other countries. The NCCK works with churches in the US, Japan, Germany, Canada, Australia, the Philippines, China, Russia, and beyond. Our History The NCCK’s history is deeply interwoven with Korea’s national history. For nearly a century, the NCCK members have worked in faithful cooperation to realize God’s vision of unity, peace and justice for Korea. The beginnings of the NCCK stemmed from the Choseon (Korea) National Christian Council in 1924. The Federal Council of Protestant and Evangelical Missions in Korea, founded in 1905, became the Korea Church Federal Council in 1918, and was then established as the Choseon National Christian Council on September 24th, 1924. This became the root of the present NCCK. In 1945, when Korea gained national independence from thirty-six years of Japanese colonial rule, the NCCK worked to share the Gospel with the Korean people and to build solidarity among churches on the national and international levels. In the 1950s, after the Korean War, the NCCK worked to reconstruct the church and society in cooperation with world churches. In the 1960s and 70s, the NCCK did its best to make righteousness something real in the history of the time and to participate in field mission on behalf of marginalized people such as farmers, workers, people experiencing poverty in urban environments, and many others whose human rights were endangered or violated by societal systems in South Korea. The NCCK also supported pro-democracy movements in Korea. The council and its member churches protested against dictatorial and military government even at the risk of severe oppression. From the 1980s until now, the NCCK has been working together with siblings in Christ in North Korea (namely, Korean Christian Federation) and working worldwide to fulfill the Korean people’s long-cherished desire for national reunification. Contact To get in touch with NCCK, contact our international office via email:
2021-02-04 13:49:17
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